Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick-or-Treating {2012}

It has been a flurry of Halloween activities over the past week. I can safely say that I've had my Halloween fill for the year.

We ended the festivities with 3, yes 3, different rounds of trick or treating. Late yesterday afternoon I took my bat and my monkey to downtown Kirkland to trick or treat at the local shops. Shane had done this before with Kenny and was super excited about it. Adalyn caught on quite quickly and was hilarious!
She refused to put her candy into her bucket. She would hold it in her fists until she couldn't hold it any more, then she'd set her bucket on the ground and plop a few pieces into the bucket just so she could take another piece from someone. This little procedure happened the whole time we were trick or treating downtown. I would ask her if I could help or tell her to put them all into her bucket. Her response was clearly, NO...DON'T TOUCH MY CANDY!

For round 2, we took both kids to a couple cul-de-sac around us. We didn't want to keep Adalyn up much past her bedtime, so we were the first trick or treaters to many houses.

The monkey was quite sneaky at eating while trick or treating.

Lillie (our neighbor), Shane and Adalyn.

Checking out a talking skeleton.

The monkey walked pretty much the whole time trick or treating. She rocked it. The bat went on round 3 with Kenny after Adalyn went to bed. He came back with an overflowing bucket and happy as a clam. Shane also got to answer the door a couple times to trick or treaters, which he loves to do, too. 

Our house is over flowing with candy, which will soon be donated to a couple different groups that will be sending it overseas to soldiers.

Halloween has come to an end. Fingers crossed this will put a stop to Shane's 5:30am wake ups this past week!

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