Sunday, January 20, 2013

December Rewind {Christmas Trees}

We had a little holiday play date at our house in December where we made these fun ice cream cone Christmas trees. I had never seen these before, but when I saw them on FB I thought they were brilliant!

The older kiddos had a lot of fun making their trees special. 

I was quite proud of how Shane's turned out. 
He put a lot of thought into it.

Just teasin'...we wouldn't eat this awesome lookin' Christmas tree!

The little ones pretty much just wanted to eat the candy. 
Adalyn got a few M&M's on there in between munchin'.

Wanna make your own Christmas trees....

You'll need:
  •  ice cream sugar cones
  • green frosting
  • candy of various sizes and colors 
  • shredded coconut 

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