Saturday, January 12, 2013

Master Bathroom Remodel

Our much anticipated master bathroom remodel is currently in full swing!

Phase 1 started in December when Kenny built us a new reach in closet to replace the walk in closet that was located inside our bathroom. The kids and I took a weekend trip to Sequim while Kenny literally hammered away the whole time we were gone. I was quite surprised to come home to a 95% completed closet.

The old walk in closet.

The new almost completed reach in closet. 

The completed closet. I LOVE it!
I adore opening the doors every morning to such organized neatness. 

Phase 2 began yesterday when I removed the popcorn ceiling. Today Kenny and Shane started taking down walls.

Shane was pretty excited to first draw on the walls 
and then he got to hammer them!

We've got a loooong way to go. There still is a day or more left of demo. Then onto trying to put it all back together. I am very much looking forward to the finished product that will hopefully be completed a lot sooner then later and with as few stumbling blocks as possible.

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