Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter {2013}

What amazing weather we had on Easter this year. Close to 70 degrees, blue skies and sunshine. Just with that, the day was set out to be an Easter to remember. Add yummy food, church and friends...what more could we have asked for?!

We started out the day with Easter baskets, dying eggs and an egg hunt out in our front yard.

Adalyn and her basket...happy as a clam to get things.

Shane and his basket...mad that something in his basket just wasn't quite right. 
This was about 15 minutes into the day. 
At this point Kenny and I had decided we were never doing holidays in our house again. 

Dying eggs...Shane, still recovering from his terrible Easter basket experience. 

Ah, that is better. The smiles have arrived...finally!!

The egg hunt has started! Shane was the most excited about that.

I had taken Adalyn to an egg hunt on Friday. 
She refused to pick up the wet eggs. 
But by Sunday she had it all figured out and ready for anything. 

 Easter 2013 -- Overalls STILL and Long Blond Hair

Easter 2012
Not much has changed in Shane's wardrobe in a year and look at how little Adalyn is!

 Checking out the egg hunt treasures.
Note: This was NOT the dress I had planned on having her wear.
Come Sunday morning she wanted NOTHING to do with the special pink and puffy Easter dress,
so much she threw it on the floor in a fit.
Luckily I had just gotten a few spring dresses for her from a friend.
I started pulling out option from the bag...NO, NO, NO, YES! least she settled on a cute dress in the end still.

NOTE: I had NOTHING to do with his clothing choice and haven't for over a year now. 
I didn't even attempt to purchase him anything special for Easter
because he dislikes everything I've bought in the last year 
unless it is overalls or a sweater.

After all this excitement we headed off to church. Then came home to give Little Miss a nap. We finished the day off at friends house for dinner and another egg hunt. Thanks Nyhusmoen's and Hakamada's for taking us in this Easter. about if you all but your basket on your head!

Racing while the eggs get hidden in the back yard. 

Hanging out with the big kids. A shirtless Easter!! That is amazing! 

Another egg hung! Shane was so happy.

Show us your loot. 

Wow...these eggs are all filled with candy. 
And consume a large amount of it they did. 

Easter 2012 is here for you to check out.

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