Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sleeping Lady {Leavenworth, WA}

Walking by the river...playing in the sand....wading in the water....hiking through the woods....frolicking through the garden....splashing in the pool...relaxing in the hot pool...eating yummy food...playing in the barn room...discovering new places...laughing...playing...having fun...

That was how I envisioned our 24 hour get-a-way to Leavenworth this week. Kenny was speaking at a conference at a resort called Sleeping Lady. I had recently read about it in a magazine right before he told me about his gig there. I instantly thought it would be a great chance for the kiddos and I to tag along and check what looked like a super cool place. Change things up a bit. Add a little summer adventure to the regular Tuesday/Wednesday schedule.

Of course, I knew that meant spending 2 hours each way in the car with 2 kids. It also meant sleeping in a hotel room with above mentioned kids. BUT, I just knew all the fun we would have would be so worth the bit of pain.

The weather report showed a 30% chance of rain and 75 degree temps on Tuesday. Let me note here that just days before we arrived it was in the 80's there. I said I'll take the chance 75 sounds great and a few drops of rain we can handle.

We arrived around 1pm Tuesday and went directly to a playground to let the monsters get some wiggles out. They did quite well on the ride there. There were some fluffy clouds in the sky, the air was warm, the day was going to be good.

We got Kenny off to his speaking engagement and the three of us headed to the river to start our first adventure of the day. The clouds started to roll in and the wind started to pick up, but we weren't going to be detoured. We walked for about an hour seeing the sights. It wasn't quite what I had imagined, but the kids were doing great and having fun.

After our river trip we headed back to the Sleeping Lady to check into our room. As we pulled up it started to rain. We dashed to get our keys and kinda dashed with our luggage, really far away, to our sweet little cabin. The plan had been to go swimming for a couple hours. See Kenny and then have dinner. I told the kids the rain would pass. Let's just hang for a bit and then we'll be able to go.

Thirty minutes passed and it was still not just was POURING!

Okay...plan B. Let's go get dinner now and I'm sure the rain will pass by the time we get back. We'll swim before bedtime or at least get a chance to explore around where we were staying.

We managed through dinner. Keep in mind Adalyn hadn't napped, which was a first for her. All said and done it wasn't too bad.

Back to the room to wait for Kenny. At this point I'm starting to lose it. We had gotten completely wet getting back to our room/cabin. All the food and water was still in the car (so so far away). Swimming in the pool wasn't looking good. We couldn't even venture out to find it because of the pouring rain.

Kenny arrived, a plan was made. In the morning we'll try the pool. We all hit the hay together...though it took a couple of hours to get every one asleep.

Morning came (6am) and it was still raining and even colder. Kenny took them "swimming". They hung out in the hot pool for a bit. We packed up, had breakfast and headed home.

No exploring, of what still looks like a super cool place, Sleeping Lady. No hikes or walks in the garden. No lounging around the pool.

Yes, memories were made. Just not the kind I had in mind.

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