Monday, June 10, 2013

Wild Kratts {Birthday Party}

There is a certain someone who had a pretty fun Wild Kratts birthday party yesterday. This certain someone turned 6 years old today! I think six is going to be his year.

If you haven't heard about Wild Kratts you probably don't have a 5ish year old boy/girl in your house. It is a cartoon on PBS about Martin and Chris Kratt, animal adventurers. Shane has been obsessed with it for about a year now and has been super excited about having a Wild Kratts birthday party.

  I made all the kiddos "Creature Power Suits".

 And of course you have to have "Creature Power Disc's". 
These cool things stick to your Creature Power Vest 
so that you can turn into that creature. 

 After everyone arrived, the kids put on their bat creature power disc and hunted for bugs. 

 Then we put on the most popular creature power of all...cheetah power! 
They played Cheetah Power Tag. 
Everyone had a "tail" and if yours was grabbed you had to freeze.

 I did a lot of running!

 The perfect game for energetic 6 boys.

 Then they put on their butterfly power disc and 
 we wrapped them in "chrysalis" aka toilet paper...

 so they could bust out of them and turn into butterfly's.

 They thought this was pretty cool.

 They also dawned on their bass creature powers for some fishing. Also a hit.

 After all that running around, they were ready for some snacks. 
We had Safari Sandwiches, Jungle Juice, Gorilla Grub, 
Ants on a Log and some veggies for all the Herbivores in the room.

 They all sat nicely while Shane opened his presents. 

After gifts it was time for some cupcakes (gluten free of course).
This was the first year Shane was totally okay with everyone singing him
the birthday song.

Here they all are in their Creature Power Suits.
Rory, Daniel, Owen, Adalyn, Shane, Brady and Nathan
Shane decided to invite only kids from his preschool class.
He originally wanted to invite all 12 of them, but decided that 
would be to many kids in the house for him. 
He settled on 7, but the two girls he invited couldn't come.

The weather was perfect, the kids were great, the theme was a hit, the first drop off party we've hosted and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. A birthday party to go down in the records for sure.

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