Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July {2013}

We spent our 4th at Kenny's Aunt and Uncle's annual gathering at their house. The sun took a bit to come out from behind the clouds, but by the time everyone arrived the sun was shining. Making the day even more fun while in the pool or on the boat.

Turns out that the little girl who said "NO Swimming" that morning 
didn't want to get out of the pool after she decided to try it out.

She had a cheesy grin on her face the whole time she was in there. 

Shane did great in the water. 
After just a few minutes, he hopped in and was happy as can be. 
Though he is convinced he can swim, which he can't with out a life jacket on.

This is Brody, Adalyn's new best friend. 
When she wasn't in the water she was following puppy Brody around.

Shane hanging with cousin's Anna and Brooke in the pool.
Adalyn quickly learned she liked to jump into the pool. 

Both kids rode out in the boat as well. Adalyn was loving it until we got out further on the choppy lake water. We hit a big swell and that had her in tears. The whole way back she kept saying "Me stay with Daddy." She had chosen to come on the boat with me and half way though very much regretted that choice.

Shane enjoyed his boat ride, but choose to not go out on the tube this year. Last year he did, so I was surprised he held out this year.

I had called Adalyn a fish at one point. She then started calling herself "Fish Adalyn". Pretty darn funny.

We let Shane stay up and watch fireworks this year. Just a short walk from our house we can see firework shows all around Lake Washington. He kept saying how "glittery" they all were. Then a couple went off right over our head and that killed the fun for him.

Another great 4th of July under our belt, full of fun, friends, family, food and fireworks.

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