Tuesday, July 30, 2013

8 Years

Kenny and I are celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary today. We just past our 12 years together mark earlier in the month.

It is always nice to take a moment and remember that fun and sunny day we celebrated with friends and family.

Here is a little photo walk down memory lane.

 Who's BMW was this?? I don't remember?


Since our wedding we have sadly lost Kenny's Grandma Janet and his Grandpa Booth. 
We are blessed that they both were able to be there and celebrate with us.

It felt like a wedding full of little cousins. 
Since then many more have arrived. 
Of course looking at Kenny and I, we've aged, 
but seeing these little people and how much they've grown since then is amazing.

 (Conner, Eli, Carolyn, Anna and Garrett)

It is always nerve wracking to plan an outdoor wedding in Western Washing. 
Yes, it was July and yes it was in Sunny Sequim, 
but you just never know when the rain or clouds may arrive. 
We were thankfully blessed with a gorgeous day.

There was a lot of yummy food.
I don't remember eating any of it.
Looking at the pictures certainly makes me want a plate full. 

I do remember the cake being super yummy 
and that I ended up with just a tiny piece and really, really wanted more. 

Little Taylor Ann (she isn't so little any more)...
every time I turned around she was holding on to the tips of my wedding dress. 
So sweet. 

Cousin Brent made sure we all had fun on the dance floor!  
Wow...8 years ago feels just like yesterday and light years ago all at the same time.

Happy Anniversary, Kenny Booth!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica you are just as beautiful 8 years ago as you are today! Happy Anniversary to you and Kenny. I Pray God's Blessings upon you and your family.

    Happy Anniversary!

    Hugs Linda D.


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