Friday, July 26, 2013

A Picnic

We have a lot of "picnics" at our house. They often don't include a blanket, basket, ants or the outdoors. Some times they do, but often we just eat our "picnic" up at the counter in our kitchen.

What the heck am I talking about...well below is one of our many picnics. That is what we call lunch at our house on many occasions. A selection of food offered in a muffin tin, on a plate or some other fun kind of divided container.

This week Shane had a couple play dates at our house. Both days they were here during lunch time. I gave the kiddos options for lunch. Do you want a sandwich, noodles or a picnic. Every time (even the guest who really has no idea what I'm talking about), screamed PICNIC. Just the word to everyone sounds fun.

On these two occasions we did spread out the blankets and they feasted outside on the deck.

These picnic's never seem to loose their luster at our house. I like that I can use what ever I have on hand.

Some of our favorite picnic items are:
*rolled up and sliced lunch meat (Costco has the best nitrate free lunch meats)
*fruit (apples, raspberries, bananas, blueberries, grapes)
*cottage cheese
*sliced string cheese
*veggies (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, red/orange/yellow peppers, broccoli)

I often don't put a carb in there 'cause they snack on carbs a lot during the day, but if I need to fill a spot crackers or popcorn work great.

These little picnics are endless with options and make a boring lunch fun. Especially with a friend outside in the sunshine.

P.S. Don't forget the toothpicks.

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