Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Incredible Years {Part 1}

"Does it feel like your child has two personalities? One is funny, smart, and caring; the other seems moody, stubborn, and selfish.  This dichotomy is characteristic of challenging children and makes it difficult to navigate the parent-child relationship."
November of 2012, I read this statement on the Eastside Parenting Clinic website. I had been referred to "Dinosaur School" by our Pediatrician after yet another behavioral appointment I had with her regarding Shane. We were at our wits end and had no idea where to head with Shane and his behavior at home. 

When I read that opening statement I knew instantly this was what we needed. This program was for us. Yes, I cried!! That was my child. Please, help us!

It took a few months to get things into place and I started The Incredible Years program February 2013. I was SO excited to get started. As I attended what ended up being 16 weeks of lessons, I soaked up the things taught to be by Dr. Janice Driver. I came home and taught Kenny what I had learned and we practiced our skills daily. 

I was in a group with 4 other parents. Each of us from varying situations, but all of us seeking a better way to deal with our children. The "traditional" method of parenting wasn't working. The method of I tell you what to do and you do it wasn't getting us any where. 

The techniques I learned from The Incredible Years program weren't crazy ideas. They weren't hard things to implement. They weren't even mind blowing in and of themselves. What was amazing to me was with a few tweaks here and there along with a MUCH MORE positive vibe put forth our family dynamic has changed.

We still struggle with Shane and his "challenging" personality on a daily basis, but I now have a tool box full of strategies to help us work with him as well as his very much 2 going on 3 year old sister.

I strongly believe in this program and think it has amazing aspects that all families should use, not just ones with challenging kiddos. 

Over the next few weeks I plan on highlighting some of the methods we've implemented into our family in hopes that others will learn a few tips to include in their families as well.

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