Sunday, September 8, 2013

Camping {Whidbey Island}

Our 2nd round of camping this summer was a lot more successful and fun then the first. Hurray for that. Our 1st trip this summer to Deception Pass had me thinking I may just never camp again.

We started the trip at one of my top 5 favorite beaches, Double Bluff Beach.

 Found a cool beach fort.

This beach has every thing: logs, rocks, sandy hills, tide pools 
and it's protected by the wind keeping it cozy and warm.

She loves sand!

We found this awesome swing. 
Shane thought it was the best thing ever and would have stayed there all day long to swing.

Adalyn wasn't quite as impressed.

I gave it a try and thought it was a lot of fun until....

...Kenny pushed the swing making it go to high for my liking. 
(Picture courtesy of Shane)

A while back we called Shane a mountain goat because he has gotten so good at climbing. 
He wanted to take on these cool sand hills and did awesome.

I think he kinda like this beach, too.

The way this day was planned out Miss. Adalyn wasn't going to get her scheduled nap and well, that pretty much NEVER happens. Right on the dot at 11am (while walking on the beach) she started saying how she wanted to take a nap. We settled her into the car and she got a "hit" off bunny and some snuggles from her blanket and managed the rest of the day.

Hanging out at our camp site at South Whidbey State Park
Yay!! A fire! Nothing like camping with a camp fire. 
It really truly made the trip so much better.

Hanging out around the campfire. 
The kids were so much better behaved this trip. 
I say it was the peace and calm the fire gave us.

Enjoying some hot chocolate.

Taking a break with nasty gross bunny.

The fire marshal.

Papa's salmon for dinner...mmm...blessings from that awesome campfire!

Cuddling by...yes...the campfire. 
You really have no idea how happy I was to have that fire.

My bike riding crazies. 
We got Adalyn a balance bike at the beginning of the summer .
It looked like for awhile she wasn't ever going to ride it. 
This was the first trip she really got on it and just went for it. 
She did awesome and I love seeing her riding it.

Our site had this cool private hole forest area. 
The kids didn't play in it much, but Kenny and I thought it was pretty awesome.

Before this trip I wasn't sure how I was feeling about one night versus two night camping trips. Right now I'm leaning towards one night. It felt so good waking up Sunday morning knowing I didn't have another 24 hours to entertain my two little ones and could head home in a few hours. Until these guys get a bit older and can take care of themselves better, this Mama is only spending one night out in the wild with them.

The beach at South Whidbey State Park was really nice and private, but the hike down to it was long and of course the walk back up was even harder.

This was a great camping trip to end the summer with.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!