Wednesday, September 4, 2013


We did it! Shane made it through his first day of kindergarten. I'm so proud of him. He was super brave when I left his classroom. I thought for sure I'd have a screaming, fit throwing boy on my hands. As I walked away I saw him hold back a tear or two, but he didn't even look back and wave at me. I didn't shed any tears either. Well, he was only at school for 1 hour and 50 minutes. That made the whole thing a lot less scary for all involved.

This year at his school all (half and full day) kindergartener's started this week off on a staggered start. Half of them go Tuesday and Thursday and the other half go on Wednesday and Friday. Shane just so happened to start today, Wednesday, which is a half day in the school district.

He said that they didn't do very many things, but did get to play a little bit, read books and the teacher read them a story. He said he was worried about recess, but they don't have it on Wednesday (due to the half day thing). We'll concur recess on Friday. 

Monday he jumps in with both feet for a full half day (9am-11:40) with his whole AM kindergarten classmates.

Ready to head to school. 
Adalyn really didn't want to leave his side and of course needed to put her backpack on as well.

 Waiting in line for his teacher, Mrs. Fornia.

I wasn't expecting to be able to take him up to his room. 
It was a nice surprise to be able to take him up and get him settled in. 
Adalyn sat right on down and made herself comfortable. 

Sitting at his table with his friend, Emma.
 He has his I'm watching what is going on around me, I'm a bit worried face on. 

Coming out after his first day! 
He was very concerned with the end of the day pick up situation. 
I couldn't seem to tell him enough times I'd be waiting outside for him. 

First day completed. He said to me "I liked kindergarten and I didn't cry once!"

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet story, and I loved the pics! I remember kindergarten with mine, and it is pretty traumatic! Good job, Shane!


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