Monday, September 16, 2013

Menu Monday + Changing Seasons

It seems like the fall weather has arrived here in the Pacific Northwest. I have major mix emotions around this time of year. My favorite seasons are summer and fall. Right now I'm mourning summer, sunshine and the freedom of our schedules. Then there is this the other part of me that is super excited for sweaters, baking, holidays and all the fun things fall brings with it. The downside of fall arriving is that winter and spring follow. Neither times of the year I really enjoy and I just kinda tolerate since I don't have much of a choice in the matter. 

I know...not a "real" problem. But hey, that is what I'm feeling right now. Torn between two seasons and I really love both of them. If only the seasons could go something like this: summer, fall, summer, fall....ah, what happiness that would bring me.

This week I'm feeling the need for some new recipes that are warm and hearty. Off to my pinterest boards I went to see what I can wrangle up for ideas.

Monday -- Our 'frig is full of leftovers, so leftovers it is for dinner (salmon, chicken, tacos)

Tuesday -- Penne Bake (the past 3 weeks I've planned on having something like this but it hasn't happened)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Lasagna Soup

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Feeling the major need to dine out...maybe we will this weekend

Sunday -- We'll see what is left in the 'frig come the end of the week.

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