Monday, September 23, 2013

Menu Monday + Stressed Out

Last week greeted me with a feeling of being overwhelmed and that feeling carried into the weekend. We have some things coming up in the next couple months that have my mind spinning in circles. When my head gets like this I pretty much just shut down and get nothing done. I need to make a list. That solution seems to get me back up and running. Here's to a productive week ahead and some yummy fall food.

Monday -- Tastefully Simple Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Gluten Free Beer Bread (I was so excited when TS came out this month with there GF line of products!!)

Tuesday -- leftovers

Wednesday -- Taco Soup

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Baked Chicken and Rice (I'm taking a friend who recently broke her ankle a meal. This was our favorite meal brought to us when we had Adalyn. This chicken rocks!)

Saturday -- I never got my dinner out last weekend, so I'm making up for it this weekend.

Sunday -- Pancakes (seems to be a Sunday night tradition these days)

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