Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pool Party

This past weekend we were able to attend a swanky pool party through some of Kenny's clients and work partners. They had been working on this specific job over the past couple years. I'd heard about it and was excited to see the finished product in person. It was also super nice because it was just 5 minutes from our house.

The day started out cold and cloudy, but literally 20 minutes before the party was to start the sky parted and the sun came out making the rest of the afternoon beautiful and warm.

I can't really do this place justice with words and I certainly can't do it with my camera phone pictures either. Imagine though in front of this house two years ago was just grass all the way down to the lake front. This couple bought this property with visions of turning it back to a natural lake front state. I think they accomplished their goal beautifully. 

Walking around the property and eying things from all the gorgeous different vantage points. 

The kids didn't care about much of anything then swimming in the pool, 
which was over the top beautiful. 
Nestled into the wall like it was made that way naturally. 

Adalyn checking out the little kiddie pool corner.  

Infinity granite edge. 
When you looked into the water it looked so calm and smooth. 
The appearance of it against the black granite was amazing. 

Enjoying some of the yummy snacks by the lakes edge. 
They had Marination, a mobile food truck serving dinner and it was SO So good. 
The building to the right in the picture was the guest house. 
I could live there for a few months pretty nicely. 

The kids had a blast swimming and crashed out for the night the minute we got home. I enjoyed the views and being out in the sun, oh and the bartender and food wasn't so bad either. I think Kenny enjoyed seeing the results of the completed project. Livin' on the swanky end of life sometimes is pretty darn fun.  

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