Monday, October 14, 2013

Menu Monday

What a weekend! Full of kid-less work with a bit of fun thrown in. The kids were off at Mema and Papa's as Kenny and I finished new carpet prep work. We were able to sneak out after our work was done both nights. We had dinner out Friday and Saturday and also saw the movie Gravity and check out The Collective On Tap afterwards.

On a side note: Gravity was a nail biting, on the edge of your seat movie. Well done and very unique. These days I tend to enjoy movies that make me laugh and there was no laughing in this movie. It was still good though.

Another side note: Getting work done with out kids around is simply amazing. Granted ripping up carpet and pulling up staples is not a fun task, but being able to do something continuously with out stopping to answer questions, check on, help, feed or entertain children is a nice feeling.

And onto our menu for the week:

Monday --Eggs and Toast

Tuesday -- Spaghetti and Meatballs

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Sweet and Sticky Baked Chicken (new recipe)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Salmon

Sunday -- Pancake Night

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