Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pumpkin Patch {2013}

A sunny October weekend means a trip to the pumpkin patch! I was ready to try a new patch this year and we settled on one in Edmonds called Fairbank Animal Farm and Pumpkin Patch. Kinda a random place for a pumpkin patch if you know this area at all, but they had me at the list of animals there.

I wasn't sure when we drove up. I was a bit nervous I had picked a dud, but I quickly started to feel better as we headed out to the pumpkin patch. There were plenty of wheel barrows to pick from and I literally picked my awesome white pumpkin off of the vine.


It was tough going picking which one to bring home!

There was so many animals to see. 
Big Mama pig with her babies was awesome. 
The kids would have spent all day there watching them.

This piggy was hilarious. 
He had this water spout that he would suck on and 
the water would come rushing out. It was so funny to watch.

The goats were were fabulous.

Adorable baby ducks and chicks.

How about a sweet sleeping bunny. 
Which was next to the 10 day old calf and the miniature horse. 
Then to top off the baby creatures were super playful kittens.
It was a good thing we had mean clear headed Kenny there to keep Shane and I 
from taking every baby animal home with us.

Who doesn't love a Giant tee-pee?

Mini Corn Maze...look at those tall stalks.
(on a side note...they had the biggest sunflowers I've ever seen!)

Interestingly, this farm was featured in our Sunday newspaper today. Making this little adventure even better to know we supported this family and their 30 year old farm in the middle of the suburbs.

I'm picking to go back there again next year.  


  1. Omg love this now I have to go there!

  2. I had no idea this existed! I'm going to check it out for sure. Looks like so much fun!


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