Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunday Ice Cream Cruise

With the sun all shining last weekend we decided to check off an adventure that has been on the to-do list...the Sunday Ice Cream Cruise on Lake Union. I had recently heard about it from some Mommy friends and couldn't wait to hop on the boat.

What a perfect day it was for a boat ride and some ice cream. I think I could spend all day riding around the lake on a boat, checking out the sights from the water and soaking up the warm rays of sunshine. The 45 minute tour went by way to fast for me, but was a perfect amount of time for the two children of the family. They didn't appreciate the witty humor of the Captain and his bits of history along the way, but were more won over by the orange ice cream floats they got to devour.

The boat.

The space needle. 

Do you think she liked it??

Gas Works park. 

Afterwards we hung around the south side of the lake watching airplanes come and go and awesome mini sailboats bobbing around the pond. I could have easily spend a few more hours down there, but alas Miss Adalyn needed to go home for a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Sunday was the perfect day for that boat ride, Jessica! What a terrific idea. Thanks for sharing - it's going on my to-do list but probably for next summer.


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