Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gratitude {Week 1 & 2)

Each day this month our family has been writing down what we are thankful or grateful for. I love hearing what comes out of the wee one's mouths.

Shane: nature
Adalyn: Lucky the Goat
Mom: our warm house
Dad: Sadie and Dodger

Shane: for God, Jesus and church to learn about God
Adalyn: God
Mom: my family
Dad: my job

Shane: a warm nice house with dogs, family and friends in our cul-de-sac
Adalyn: playing at somebodies house
Mom: food and our grocery store
Dad: everyone's health

Shane: our food and our grocery store
Adalyn: going to the grocery store and getting more food for us
Mom: our dogs
Dad: our upcoming vacation

Shane: our dogs are surviving and we have two dogs
Adalyn: Mariah (our neighborhood horse)
Mom: new carpet
Dad: being done with big house projects

Shane: we are still surviving in our life
Adalyn: that Lucky died
Mom: Miss Charlotte and how hard Shane is working in his Coping Cats class
Dad: new carpet

Shane: school and recess
Adalyn: for playing with my friends
Mom: Brittany and our child care swap
Dad: yummy food for dinner

Shane: that Mommy gets to see Penny Grandma and drop the cards off
Adalyn: I loves Mommy and Daddy
Mom: for Daddy staying home with the kids while I go to work
Dad: a productive day

Shane: a fun time at church and learning about God
Adalyn: going to church
Mom: my trip to see Grandma
Dad: Jessica getting to see Penny Grandma

Shane: my friends coming over to play
Adalyn: going to bed
Mom: the sunshine
Dad: thankful that Jessica survived her day today

Shane: friends coming over
Adalyn: friends coming over
Mom: an accomplished day
Dad: that Mommy survived her day with the new change in schedules

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