Friday, November 1, 2013

Real Life Friday

This weeks edition of "real life Friday" isn't necessarily about a messy, unorganized or dirty house, but more about what real things happen while living with children.

My dear almost 3 year old Daughter LOVES to write. She recently lost writing privileges in her bedroom after an incident with her favorite blue highlighter. She neatly wrote with it all over her walls and dresser. She very well knows pen, marker, crayon, etc goes on paper. She just had a bit too much freedom and took her love of writing to the walls.

I have tried not to completely ban the usage of pens in our house because I think writing and drawing are very age appropriate and something she needs to be doing. Yes, I could say only write up at the counter, but "real life" happens and that just is difficult to enforce.

Early this week I discovered 7 circles on the back of our couch. I directed my attention to our little writer in the family. The story seems that while Daddy was out running one morning and Mommy was still sleeping, Adalyn and Shane were watching their morning TV. During this time she took it upon herself to decorate our couch.

7 circles

Her reaction when asked who did it.

Cleaning up the crime.

Baby wipes work great on all things ink related. 
With some help from Mommy the pen marks came right out. 
I'm sure it won't be our last pen incident.....

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