Thursday, January 16, 2014

30 Day Plank Challenge

Earlier this month I joined a 30 day plank challenge on Facebook "hosted" by a friend of mine.  

When she posted this challenge I laughed and thought to myself NEVER. I disliked planks so much. Every time I have done them they hurt my wrists so bad and it was flat out painful to do and they are just plain hard. I happen to catch that the first day was just 20 seconds. With a little coaxing from Melanie, I decided to give it a try. I also noticed the picture and had never tried planks using that form before, which would allow the pressure to be taken off of my wrists. 
I've completed the first 11 days and am up to a 60 second plank. I'm so already impressed by that. Kenny has been doing them with me, but he doubles the amount (um, ya, overachiever) and is up to 120 seconds already.  

Wanna join in on the plank fun? The schedule is below. If you want in on the Facebook group, I can get you hooked up, too. 

Happy Planking!

Day 1 - 20 seconds
Day 2 - 20 seconds
Day 3 - 30 seconds
Day 4 - 30 seconds
Day 5 - 40 seconds
Day 6 - REST
Day 7 - 45 seconds
Day 8 - 45 seconds
Day 9 - 60 seconds
Day 10 - 60 seconds
Day 11 - 60 seconds
Day 12 - 90 seconds
Day 13 - REST
Day 14 - 90 seconds
Day 15 - 90 seconds
Day 16 - 120 seconds
Day 17 - 120 seconds
Day 18 - 150 seconds
Day 19 - REST
Day 20 - 150 seconds
Day 21 - 150 seconds
Day 22 - 180 seconds
Day 23 - 180 seconds
Day 24 - 210 seconds
Day 25 - 210 seconds
Day 26 - REST
Day 27 - 240 seconds
Day 28 - 240 seconds
Day 29 - 270 seconds

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