Monday, January 6, 2014

Menu Monday

It's a new year and I'm feeling inspired to try some new food. I stumbled upon a cookbook called The Toddler Cafe. There were a handful of recipes that seemed like things my family just might like. I love cookbooks. I can pick up a cookbook and read it cover to cover. A perfect cookbook has a picture of each recipe. If it doesn't have good pictures I want nothing to do with it. The Toddler Cafe has quite a few pictures, not one for every recipe, but still enough.

I'm also working on meal planning every two weeks again. That helps for the weeks that I don't get back to the grocery store right away. I also spend way less money when I go to the store every 2 weeks instead of every week. We end up eating what we have on hand instead of buying new snacks and filling up the pantry with unneeded items.

I started last week and this what we had....

Wednesday (Jan 1st) -- Twistin' Chicken (from The Toddler Cafe) basically it was chicken tenders, but with a kick of lemon. Kenny and I both thought they were really good, kids no so much.

Thursday -- leftovers

Friday -- Let Us Roll (from The Toddler Cafe). This was my first time making lettuce wraps, but have always enjoyed them at PF Chang's. They were so easy to make and I LOVEd them. I mean could eat them every day kind of love them. I was so excited about it I had to take a picture! The rest of the family never wants to eat them again.

Saturday -- Salmon with Lentils -- I've been meaning to make this dish for months now and finally got around to it. I can't say I've ever had lentils before. The dish was pretty darn good. Kenny loved the salmon. The kids, nope, nada, ate none of it. They devoured their apples and string cheese sides though.

Sunday -- Baked Ravoli -- I found some GF raviolis at the store recently. They aren't their best on their own, so I'm hoping baked with lots of sauce and cheese they'll be good.

Monday -- leftovers

Tuesday -- Popcorn Soup (from The Toddler Cafe)

Wednesday -- leftovers

Thursday -- Salmon with Hoisin Sauce
(aren't you happy Papa...salmon twice in two weeks!)

Friday -- leftovers

Saturday -- Potato Soup

Sunday -- leftovers

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