Thursday, February 20, 2014

30 Day Arm Challenge

In January I participated in a 30 Day Plank Challenge. I faltered a bit around week 3. I was having a hard time staying motivated on my own. I enlisted Kenny to take control of the time and keep me going. He did a great job and I got back on track. I wrapped up my last day by planking for 5 minutes. If I might say so myself, I was quite proud of! Kenny wrapped his month up with a 10 minute plank. Um, yah....10 minutes!

The plank group was enjoying the challenge mode, so we moved onto a 30 Day Arm Challenge.

Kenny and I are doing it together again this month. We are about half way through the challenge. I really dislike push ups. I was doing them "boy" style, but found I can do a better push up "girl" style and get further down and up in the position. I'm feeling the soreness through my arms quite a bit. I just love the rest days!!

Who wants to join us!?! Let me know and I'll get you added to our challenge group. 

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