Thursday, June 19, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Why not "Ride The Ducks" for Father's Day?! It's been on our to do list for awhile, we just needed little Adalyn to be able to sit for 90 minutes. Which she was able to do just fine. Whohoo for kids that are growing up.

My fabulous SLR camera bit the dust during Shane's birthday party a week before Father's Day. I had just gotten a new one and I was excited to put it to the test. 

 The "Duck" head quarters was near the base of the Space Needle.

We started the tour by doing a loop downtown and catching some of the sites. 
Kenny and Shane have plans on riding this together sometime. 
I won't be joining them for that adventure.

Then we drove right into Lake Union. Man, that was a tough one for me. 
I had knots in my stomach the whole time we were in the water. 
We just drove right on it. Craziness! 

I think what got me the most was how low/close to the water we seemed. 

There were "Ducks" everywhere.

There was this little yacht hanging out before it heads up to Alaska for a bit. 
It's 300 feet long (aka a football field) and the value of it is estimated at $160 million dollars. 
When the tour guide asked how much someone that it would cost a lady guess 1 million. 
Kenny still laughs at that.

This is what it looks like driving into the water. We were headed back out. 
Phew! We didn't sink!!!

This little bugger was grumpy and "not having fun" for the first hour. 
She sat in my lap and pouted. 
Then we got in the water and everything turned around. 
Then she was "happy". 

Overall a fun thing to do with the family. We followed this up with dinner out at Tipsy Cow Burger Bar in Redmond and a visit to a park. Good times! Happy Father's Day, Kenny! Thanks for being a rockin' Daddy-O.

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