Saturday, September 24, 2016

Soccer Times Two

We have finally arrived into the season of life where both kids are in a sport at the same time this fall. Saturday's are full of soccer.

This is Shane's third year playing on a Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association team. He did have two seasons of pee wee soccer back when he was 3 and 4 years old, but we don't really count those since he sat on the sidelines most of the time. He's certainly come a LOOONG way since then. Each year we've seen him progress amazingly! From a little guy who didn't want anything to do with soccer to the kid who had a hat trick in his game today (hat trick = 3 goals in a single game).

Last year he was a defensive maniac. There wasn't any ball getting past him. He'd just boot it back down the field. This year he is still a defensive maniac and has really come into his own offensively as well. Last year he scored 1 goal the last game of the year. This year he's 3 games into the season and already has 4 goals in his pocket. He can hang with the best of the goalies as well, but prefers to be in a defensive or now offensive position.

Kenny coached his soccer team last year out of default since the team was about to be disbanded if someone didn't step up and coach. This year he is playing U10 and they are suppose to have referees provided by the league, so far that is hit or miss. Kenny refereed his game today. 

This kid is just every where on the field. He's really suppose to be in his assigned position, but continues to be a rock star every where. He's head is so deeply into the game and what is happening. 

 Goal celebrating! He's finally playing on a team this year with classmates and enjoying it that much more.

Goal #3 of the game for Shane. They won 7-1.  So far this season they have a loss, tie and win.

Shane and his best buddy, Collin, out on the field. 

Then there is Adalyn. Gymnastics really is her passion. We felt though that she should give a team sport a try this year. She halfheartedly said she'd give soccer a try. Thanks goodness for pee-wee soccer and only 7 days/weeks total!! They have a 30 minute practice followed by a 30 minute game once a week. 

She's done great getting out there and following the ball around the field. She's kicked it a couple times. Overall, she's not sure this is really her thing. We know it's not, but proud of her for giving it a try. 

 Warm up time is adorable!! 

At least she looks cute while she practices.

Game Time!!! 

Coach gave her the ball to kick, she's considering her move her. She also had the only thrown in of the game and rocked that. 

Our Saturdays are full and I don't mind it when the sun shines. Soccer and rain and I don't do so great. Only 6 game days left! But who's counting??!

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