Saturday, January 7, 2017

Fremont Family Adventures

Adventuring in the winter is tough for me. I tend to want to huddle under a blanket and wait out these dark and dreary months. My burrow is full of two energetic bear cubs that don't burrow quietly very well. We had an empty Saturday staring us in the face, so it was time to venture out. Lately, I've been thinking our 'burb kids need to see more of the amazing city that resides in our backyard. The Fremont neighborhood seemed like a good place to hit up.

We started our trip out with a visit to the Fremont Troll. Sadly, I can say that not a single person in our family has visited this local attraction. Seemed fair enough it was time for a visit.

This huge thing was created in 1990. He resides under the Aurora bridge.

In his hand is a VW Beetle! 

 Troll Ave N 

After visiting our new friend, the Troll, we headed over to the Theo Chocolate Factory for a tour. I've had this on my to-do list for years and was really excited to finally get a chance to visit this local piece of heaven. 

Hair-nets and all!!! 

Walking through these doors....the smell! Oh, the fabulous smell of chocolate!! 

We learned so much about the process of chocolate and tasted a lot of chocolate, too! It was an hour long and the kids did great. They loved the sampling portion, as well. 

We finished off our Fremont adventure with a trip to Gasworks Park. I have some fuzzy memories of a long walk home from Gasworks Park to a friends house in Ballard one fourth of July back in my college days. Kenny thinks we swung by there once many moons ago, but the kids have only seen this other well know Seattle destination from the water when we took a tour on a Duck. 

Adalyn was nearing her end of adventure rope. 

Kenny and I decided this is the definition of a Seattle City Park. Beautiful views, cool history, interesting structures, graffiti, dirty and random shelters set up for homeless people.

Adventured out Adalyn couldn't make it into this picture. 

Overall, we had a great afternoon in the city, in the dead of winter, exploring some great sites and filling our bellies full of chocolate. We didn't even get a drop of rain on us!

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