Saturday, March 11, 2017

Christmas Traditions {2016}

This year I tried to make sure our Christmas season didn't feel so hectic and full. We let go of a few traditions that felt to much and revised a few to make them feel less stressful.

The traditional gingerbread kit still took place! With a bit too much of eating of the candy and licking of the frosting. Overall, it was a success.

And we make cookies! Funny enough, this was on a totally different day then the gingerbread house making yet it appears my children are wearing the same clothes. For the 2nd year in a row, Cousin Arli, joined us for cookie making.

Though the whole thing was fun. 
The best part of the activity was that every single cookie Arli made had eyes on them!  

And we we feed the reindeer oatmeal Christmas Eve night. 

As well as, leave Santa cookies. 

Christmas morning our early risers get to open stockings first thing.   
Adalyn's was full of Shopkin items. 

Shane's was full of Star Wars.  

Next comes, Santa gifts! Those come wrapped in red. 
So far, what they've requested has been received. We'll see when that trend ends. 

Shane got his Star Wars Battlefront game for our so old PlayStation 2.  
Santa had to find this item on Ebay. 

Adalyn got her Mani and Pedi gift card! 

The kids get to purchase each other a gift (one of my favorite traditions!). 
Adalyn got Shane this little stuffed "Dodger".  

The kids also get to purchase a gift for each of us. 
Adalyn got Kenny a running hat and Shane got him running gloves.

Checking out the calendar Papa gets every year. 

Christmas season is one of my favorite times of year. Finding the balance between soaking it in and enjoying it versus drowning in it takes a bit of practice.

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