Saturday, March 11, 2017

Seattle Adventures

Adalyn and I had a day of girl time. I threw out a few things that she might want to do and the aquarium was the winner. She hadn't been since she was a toddler so I knew she didn't have any memory of the place. It was a true Seattle dark, rainy and windy day. But we bundled up and set out to the big city and had some adventures along the way.

We got there when it opened and it started out quiet for a bit, but quickly filled up. About 30 minutes into our visit, she asked me when we were leaving. Oh, Dear! Hard for the 6 year old to understand that the time it took to drive there, pay for parking and pay to get in, we would be staying for a lot longer then 30 minutes!

She was pretty quiet our first go around. Not really into much. A smile here and there. Our 2nd time around, she warmed up and finally got into the whole thing.

She refused to touch any of the animals in the tide pools for the first half. Finally, she allowed us to venture over and little by little she started to touch the sea creatures! In the end it was one of her favorite parts. 

We got to watch two different diver shows in the main tank. I was surprised by how happy Adalyn was to sit and chill. She asked quite a few questions about the divers. Both shows this friendly Wolf Eel came up to a diver to get hand feed. They mentioned that it was a rare treat and we got to see it twice! 

After killing two full hours at the Aquarium, we had some time left on our parking meter. I thought a stroll (in the pouring down freezing cold rain) over to Pike Place Market would be fun. I feel bad that our kids don't spend a lot of time steeped in the culture of the city of Seattle. I knew Adalyn didn't have any memories of Pike Place. Yay, it wasn't really a hit. Too crowded and the girl wanted out. I did get her to swing by the Wall of Gum and she found that VERY interesting!!

After struggling to get out of downtown Seattle, about half way home, Chatty asked if she could sleep. A few memories for the memory book.

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