Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shane has taken his first steps

On Mother's Day Shane gave me the gift of his first official steps. Four little tiny ones, but steps none the less. He can stand very well on his own, until he falls backwards and expects someone to catch him. He can also throw quite well in a standing position, which Kenny and I find truly amazing. A baseball player in the making...that makes Dad happy.

The video is a little long, but you'll see him stand, throw some toys and take a few steps here and there. I think the best steps are right at the end. He also finds all of this very funny and can't do most of it with out having his mouth wide open.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Go Shane! Lucas was 11 mos old too. This video brought back memories. I love the mouth wide open thing. So cute.

    Just think, when he is pitcher for the Yankees, he can buy us the whole darn cul de sac!


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