Saturday, May 17, 2008

Water Fun in the Sun

It's been a hot few days here in Western WA. Shane had his first experiences in the water...sprinkler (he didn't enjoy that at all), kiddie pool (that is okay on his terms), big pool (nope, doesn't like that one) and hose (lots of fun).

Shane's idea of how to get into the pool.

1. Stand by the edge of the pool.

2. Try water out from the edge.

3. Stand in the water.

4. Then sit down in the water and drink it.

By no means does Mom set you into the pool!! He also would prefer to crawl in and out of the pool after he has decided that the water is okay. BUT, life is not good when he does a head plant into the water when trying to crawl in. Then it is time to take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot "lots of swearing when Mom tries to get me in the pool"!

    I just love this entry. So funny, and cute pictures. He definitely enjoyed it in the kiddie pool.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!