Monday, June 16, 2008

12 month well baby check up

Shane had his 12 month well baby check up today. We were hoping he would weigh in at 20 pounds and jump up a few percentiles, but he didn't quite make it. He weighed 18lb and 9ozs which keeps him right on track with his normal 5% in weight. The doctor was very happy to see him stay on his curve. He is 29" long and that puts him in the 25%. We really wanted to be able to turn his car seat around for the road trip we have in a few weeks, but he needs to be 22lbs for that, so we'll be waiting until September at this rate.

What cracks me up is how many people lately have told me what a big boy he is. If you go by growth charts he is one of the smallest kids out there. I've decided it's his full head of hair that makes him seem so much older. He just sorta has a big boy look to him.

He "passed" with flying colors on the rest of his check up, except waving was one of the questions they asked me if he was doing. That is a big NO. He just doesn't seem to care about waving to people. I asked the doctor if I should be concerned and she said that he seemed very social to her so no she was not concerned. Yep, this kid is social, even if he can't wave he'll give you a big smile or babble some crazy nonsense at you. One way or another he'll make sure you know he is there.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you know what is funny is that Naomi is 18 lbs and she is only 4 1/2 mo. old, but she is in the 97th percentile though! Shane is a cutie pie though!!


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