Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Hope all you Dad's out there had a good day or that you treated your Dad or Husband extra nice today. Kenny had a pretty good day I think. All of us (including Sadie, Dodger and Shane) pooled our money together and got Dad a cool green Mini I-Pod. He was excited about that. Later this afternoon we headed over to his Aunt and Uncle's house for some fun in the sun and water. Shane kicked it in the very warm kiddie pool along with his 2nd cousins Anna and Brooke.

Shane can't quite decide if the big pool is okay or not. One second he'll be laughing and smiling and the next he'll be crying and wanting out.

The spa was pretty much the favorite of all places to be. Nice warm bath water, how can you beat that! If you look closely, Shane is drinking the pool water from a little watering can. He just can't help himself...water must be doesn't matter where it comes from.

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