Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Shane Kendall

Shane is officially 1 year old today! I looked up at the clock around 9:00 this morning which was just a little over 30 minutes after the little guy was born on this day 1 year ago. He's come a long way in a year...

-babbling to talking with a purpose even though we don't know what that purpose is yet

-rolling (which took him forever to figure out), to crawling and now walking

-tummy time (which he hated) to sitting up to standing up

-breast milk to formula to baby food to finger foods and now even trying to eat with a spoon

-maybe listening to a book for a second to loving all books

-kissing with a big open wet mouth to....well that hasn't changed yet

-not knowing his name to knowing it but not always responding to it

-not knowing what NO means to thinking it is one of the funniest words ever

-sleeping very little at night to sleeping 12 hours at night

June 10, 2007

June 10, 2008

My how a year can change you!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Great job, Mama!

    And...what did I do to be subjected to Hangin' Tough by NKOTB when I arrived at your blog?!?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!