Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shane's 1st Birthday Party

We had Shane's 1st birthday party this weekend. It was a success. The rain held off for the most part. It wasn't warm out, but not to cold which allowed people to spend time out on the deck. Shane had no idea why all these people were in his house, but he didn't seem to mind the attention either. He had fun digging into his yummy gluten free cake made with love by his Mommy. Opening presents wasn't too bad, but he mostly just wanted the envelopes and the cards. That evening though the presents become lots of fun when he had so many new things to play with.

A big thanks to all our friends and family who came out to celebrate Shane's first year of life. Also, to my Mom and Dad for helping us out. I don't think we could have pulled it off with out your help.

Wearing his Birthday Boy crown with Mom before the party.

The kids engaged in a little craft project.

He was very interested in the flame on the candle.

Cake eating time!

Present time: this was a Curious George Jack-in-the-box he thought was really funny.

Play time after the party.

1 comment:

  1. Cutest one year old ever!!

    Did you notice that several of the foam balls in the craft project box have bite marks on them? Yeah, that was Shane. He went between gnawing on the sticks to leaving his dental impressions on the foam balls.

    Thank you for inviting us!


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