Tuesday, July 22, 2008

But Dad let me....

Shane was having a really tough night tonight...he was really tired really early on, SOOOO Kenny let him into the "pantry". That sure changed Shane's mood. As you can see he had a lot of fun taking everything out. Heck...it needed to be reorganized anyways.

He is waving in the first picture...one of his new skills that just cracks us up. He also is really big into nodding his head yes or no. Today I actually think he answered me with a head nod yes when I asked him if he was done with his milk. That blew me away!


  1. That is to funny, I bet he found things you didn't even know you had.

  2. nThere JUST ISN'T a cuter kid ...ANYWHERE...

  3. I have a video I need to post of Ethan taking EVERYTHING out of our pantry and lining it up on our counter. He had a great time doing it. He was very serious and you could tell he looked at it as a kind of job!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!