Saturday, July 19, 2008

Woodland Park Zoo -- Seattle

We took Shane to the zoo today. It was his 2nd time to a zoo. I took him to the San Diego zoo when he was about 2 months old right before we moved (not that he remembers that at all!). This was Kenny's 1st time to the Woodland Park Zoo. I can't say that Shane was extremely excited to be there. He enjoyed being out, but most of the exhibits didn't do much for him. It was hard for him to see a lot of the animals and I just don't think he is old enough to really get the concept of what we were doing. The big hits of the day were playing on an old tractor in the barn yard area and petting the goats and a rabbit named Harvey in the petting zoo.

Kenny and I enjoyed seeing the Brown Bear swim in the water right next to the glass, a giraffe looking right down at us during feeding time, the Gorillas looking like they were meditating, and the elephants getting a bath.

I'm not big on pictures of just animals (I think they are kinda boring and we all know what zoo animals look like), but when you try to get a picture of a wiggly one year and a moving wild animal in a cage that can be a challenge. (I thought it would be interesting to put in a picture of Shane from his 1st visit to the zoo in San Diego, what a difference a year makes! See last picture.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to remember at what age Ethan really started taking an interest in the animals....I think it was late last year so about 20 months. He LOVES it this year! He still has a hard time seeing the animals (maybe he just doesn't think they are exciting) if they aren't moving. Shane will get there and it will be such a blast to watch him point at the animals, you just wait!


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