Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Scrapbooking Retreat Weekend

This past weekend I went to a scrapbooking retreat. It was located just 45 minutes from here in Auburn. It's a fairly new scrapbooking cottage. It's only been open for just short of a year. The cottage was soooooo cute. There were 7 rooms all decorated beautifully and set up for two people to sleep in. Then there was a huge great room set up with a table for each person...which as a scrapbooker we all know you need all the space you can get. There were two full bathrooms and a full kitchen. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were provided and the food was FABULOUS! Not to mention the late night snack, too! I can't say that we slept much. The days pretty much went like this: scrap, eat, scrap, eat, scrap, eat, scrap, sleep, scrap, eat, scrap...you get my point. :)

I completed so many pages. Shane's 1st year album is finished. I'd say 95% of 2007 is completed and I'm up to the summer of this year. It felt great to just sit and talk and scrap all day long. I didn't have to think about anything else.

I do want to give a huge thanks to Kenny for having Shane all weekend by himself. They had a lot of nice Dad and Son time together. And to Sarah, Mike, Anna and Brooke for watching Shane Friday afternoon while I headed out-of-town to have some fun.

We have it booked again for next year...I'm counting down the days already!!

This is my stack of completed pages.

1 comment:

  1. I went to something like that up in Bellingham last year and it was SO much fun! The place I went has cancelled anything further though unfortunately :(


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