Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shane and I have a Job.

After doing some random internet browsing one evening last week I ended up on a website call The Conciergerie. They provide services such as errand running, grocery shopping, pet sitting, home repair, etc. A large portion of it is stuff I did as a Nanny/Household manager. I emailed them to see if they had any openings and sent my resume over. The owner of the business emailed me back and said she was looking for a Nanny and wanted to know if I was interested. We meet up yesterday and have decided to give it a trial run to see if it works for everyone. She has an 18 month old daughter. Shane and I will be going over to their place to watch her. We are going to start out with 2 days a week for 4 hours a day and see if we want to bump it up to 2-3 days a week and 5 hours a day. She also said that I can do some Conciergerie services, too. I think it will be a great fit for everyone. We start in October and are excited for our new adventure together.

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