Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shane's 1st Baseball Game

We took Shane to his 1st baseball game this afternoon. We knew he wouldn't really enjoy the baseball game, but we didn't take him last year as a baby baby, so we wanted to for sure get him to one game this year just for the memory sake of it. It was the last game of the season as well as Kid Appreciation Day. His nap schedule has changed since we bought the tickets. We had to wake him up from a DEAD sleep so that he wouldn't sleep through the whole game.

I had come up with a little plan so that we could attempt to watch the game. We found a large open section of seats. Kenny sat at one end and I sat at the other end and Shane just played between us. He kept himself entertained for quite awhile with all the noises, people, toys, and food. We played in the kid area for awhile. We tried letting him walk around, but there were just too many people. He lasted about 2 hours, not bad for a 15 month old.

When we first sat down Shane got really scared when the crowd would get loud. He ran to Kenny and wanted up.

Life in a forward facing car seat is SOOOOO much better for the WHOLE family!

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