Saturday, October 4, 2008

First week of work.

We made it through our first week of work. Our 1st day was Tuesday and Shane sure put me through the ringer. He decided that napping in the morning just wasn't something he wanted to do, instead he wanted to fall asleep in the car on the way to work. We were early so he got to sleep in the car for about 45 minutes. When I tried to move him into the house to continue to sleep he woke up. Their house isn't Shane proofed so I spent a large amount of my time making sure he didn't destroy anything (his new nickname is Destructo). As sweet little Dahlia watched Shane in amazement. Their personalities are on the opposite ends of the spectrum!! He did take another brief nap there which may have been the only thing that got me through the 4 hours. Both Dahlia's Mom and Dad mentioned how active he was and how fast he moved. They have NO idea!

Friday was much better thank goodness. We had preschool in the morning with only one melt down from my kiddo. About half way through he decided he was done with preschool and wanted to leave. He stood over by the door banging on it. He stayed awake until we got to work and went straight to the pack and play and took a 2 hour nap! What a treat for me and Dahlia. She is a breath of fresh air. She'll sit in my lap and listen to book after book and we even looked through a whole Pottery Barn catalog together. She didn't tear any pages out or scream for me to do something else or whine for one second.

I wonder if her parents would notice if I left Shane there and took Dahlia home with me?

1 comment:

  1. You surely don't mean that!!!! How boring life would be if Dahlia was your kid....look at the gusto our Shaneman has. He has a REAL LOVE FOR LIFE...


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