Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend '08

We are back from our Thanksgiving weekend in Sequim. We had yummy food, saw a movie (I saw 4 Christmas' with Becky and Kenny saw the new Bond movie with Kevin), watched football (I didn't do that part, you can guess who did though), ate more yummy food, read, relaxed, and visited friends.

Shane eating his Thanksgiving dinner. His first ever actually. He LOVED the cranberries (Kenny's son for sure!). And by my surprise really liked the turkey, too.

His first taste of pumpkin pie was a hit, too.

He needed to get closer to the source here. Dad's lap was the place to be.

We picked the doggies up early this afternoon. They are very happy to be home and out of the noisy kennel. We also got our Christmas tree and put up Christmas lights outside. A very productive day. Shane seems to have no interest in the Christmas tree. I was surprised by that, but I guess it's better then him trying to climb it. Which I thought was a huge possibility.

I read The Shack by William P. Young this weekend. It was great read. Very thought provoking. It's a read at least twice kind of book in order to really grasp all the meaning in it. It made me think about making a list of books for Shane that I would love for him to read someday. So far the list has The Shack on it and Catcher in the Rye. I'm sure I have more to put on there, but that's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. Your lights look beautiful outside. I am glad we are both home, I have missed you guys a lot! It is such a comfort having you close by.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!