Monday, December 1, 2008

What a day!

And it may just be one of those weeks, too. Oddly today, between Kenny, Shane and I we were involved in 4 different picture taking session. This morning started out with Shane getting his 18 month/Christmas pictures. Well.....I forgot his Christmas outfit. Yep...nice work Mom!! Kenny even took the morning off to help out with the whole production. We went ahead with the pictures any way. I learned a lesson in being flexible (as well as developing a plan to have Christmas pictures taken at a later date). Then we headed to see Santa. We waited in line there WAY too long. The whole time I was explaining to Shane that that was Santa and he was going to sit on his lap and get his picture taken. Guess the pep talk didn't help, because Shane didn't want to sit on Santa's lap and let everyone know that.

(our scanner isn't working, so this is a picture of the picture.)

When Kenny got to work he had his work holiday picture taken. Then this evening we had a photographer here from a local newspaper. In a random sort of way we ended up being interviewed for an article on how the economy was effecting our family. He was here taking pictures for that. We thought it would be a quick in and out, but he was here for an hour right before Shane's bed time, which is the witching hour for sure!!

I think we are all pictured out for the day. And have a very full and busy week ahead of us still to come. we come!!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts!