Monday, December 15, 2008

18 month Well Baby Check-up

Shane had his 18 month visit to the doctors today. Not a lot to report. He weighs 21 pounds (3%) and is 33 inches (50%) tall. He continues to be tall and skinny. But in his normal growth curve, so no worries by the doctor at all.

He is reaching all his developmental milestones nicely. She did suggest that we start to whine him off the pacifier. I wasn't really in a hurry to do that. He still drools a lot, especially when he is doing something he is really into. She said his mouth muscles may be a little weak and the pacifier won't help that. Guess our New Year's Resolution is to say bye-bye to the pacifier. He only gets it when he sleeps, but I think it may be a rough few days of withdrawal for the little guy and us!

He even walked away with out any shots today. Lucky guy! They were out of the chicken pox vaccination, so we'll go back for that after Christmas. All-in-all he is a health and happy little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the checkup went well. Oh, no with giving up the pacifiers. We just did that after Joey's 3 year checkup. He got a special toy and gave all of the pacifiers to me. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Good luck!


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