Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Husband's Odd Sense of Humor?!

Last night Kenny and I were laying in bed talking about sleep and getting up early. Shane just got out of a waking up before 6am phase and back into a sleeping in late phase (7:30ish). Kenny was giving me crap about how he has to get up at 6am and I get to have 1.5 hours of extra sleep. My comment back was that he chooses to get up at 6am so that he can run every day. He then says to me that "after all my lost sleep from when Shane was an infant I deserve the extra sleep." I instantly thought "Oh, that was so sweet". Before I even had a chance to tell them how nice that was, he follows it up with..."But as of this morning you've caught up". UGHH!!!


This evening I find out that he was featured in an ESPN column. I can't really explain the whole back story to all of it, because it is really confusing. Just another example of his wonderful sense of humor. Guess I gotta love it, since I married him.

Here is the excerpt from his online debut:
"There has been running speculation in the column about whether advanced planets could fight by hurling basketballs or pints of vanilla ice cream at each other at 99 percent of the speed of light; calculations suggest that a pound of any mass striking at 99 percent of light speed would detonate with 60 megatons of kinetic energy. Kenny Booth of Bothell, Wash., supposes that accelerating a pint container of vanilla ice cream to relativistic speed would melt the contents. What you'd really want, he thinks, is Comet Crunch ice cream."

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