Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday....to me!

I turned a big 32 today. My biggest problem concerning my birthday is I can't seem to remember how old I am now. I remember that I turned 30, but 31 and now 32 seem to blend together. Guess I'll have to practice my age, you know how little kids have to practice there age. You must have to do that when your really young and then when you get really old. I can use 3 fingers on one hand and 2 fingers on the other.

Thanks to all my friends and family for my wonderful birthday wishes and gifts. Kenny and I are going to go to dinner this evening. A big thanks to my friend/neighbor Ann for sitting around our house this evening as Shane sleeps and we eat.

Kenny surprised me with a tiny Olympus Digital Camera. I have my big Nikon SLR that I love and use all the time. But I've been yearning for a little one that I can just have in my purse or back pocket for every day on the go use. Just this morning I was telling him about how I may use some of my Christmas money to buy this little camera I saw at Costco last week. Guess he sorta freaked when he heard me say that. He totally totally surprised me though. I had no idea, even when I saw it wrapped.

Another favorite gift I got today was from my friend, Julie. She brought me over 3 fantastic coupons in the cutest little book she made. One for babysitting Shane so Kenny and I can go out, one for tea with her (no kids allowed) and one for a home cooked meal. I can't wait to use them!!!

Thanks again everyone for making my big 32nd birthday special!


  1. Happy birthday Jess! Hope you had a great dinner last night.

  2. You can't be 32 !!!!!! NO... that would make me 58.. Damn..... where have all the years gone...Happy Birthday to you..sweetpea

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Jessica!

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't keep track of my age. :) Glad you had a fab day!


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