Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 -- Word for the Year

I'm not a huge fan of New Year's Resolutions. They usually just get all blown up in January and then start to fade after that. I do like to reevaluate my life and see where I would like to make changes, etc. This year I saw a great idea from Ali Edwards about choosing a word for the year. I really liked that idea, so that I can carry a theme for the year with me.

I picked:

1. completed; done; effected: an accomplished fact.
2. highly skilled; expert: an accomplished pianist.
3. having all the social graces, manners, and other attainments of polite society.

I think the biggest accomplishment I want to see happen in 2009 is growth in my Close To My Heart business.

Other things I want to accomplish in 2009:
--moving into my very own house
--continued/improved health and wellness
--continued balance of work, family and friends in my life
--more personal scrapbooking

Wishing all of you a Happy and Full 2009!


  1. That is such a great idea! I totally agree about resolution thing. I hope y'all have a great New Year!

  2. I am sure you will accomplish a lot this year. Let me know if I can help!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!