Monday, January 19, 2009

The day has come...

We were really hoping that we wouldn't have to do this, but it looks like we will be moving in February. We have been on a month to month lease for 6 months now and knew that at any time we would be asked to leave by our landlords. They got a divorce and the house was being decided upon during in the divorce agreement. The divorce is now final and the person that ended up with the house wants to move back into it. That means out we go.

Things have fallen into place quickly and we are in our final steps of renting another house in our same neighborhood, just a street or two over from where we live now. The hardest part of this whole thing is leaving our wonderful friends and neighbors behind. They've all been given warnings to let Shane and I know when they are playing outside, so that we can walk over and join the fun.

Here are a couple pictures of what we hope will be our new house for the next year.
Update: It is official, we will be moving Valentines Day weekend.


  1. It looks really nice Jessica! We will be stalking you still.

  2. Your new place looks nice! At least you will still be close to your friends!

  3. It looks really cute, can't wait to see in, I just wish you weren't going to be living in it.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!