Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Events of a Sunny Sunday.

Another sunny weekend in the Northwest! Spring fever is truly upon us! As well as those dreaded allergies. This morning the family headed out to Magnuson dog park. Dodger had to stay in the car due to his poor social behavior. Sadie on the other hand got to run free and frolic in Lake Washington.

Thanks, Sadie for showering us with the cold lake water!!

Shane got to hit the playground afterward and do some kid observing and playing.

Later in the day we got ourselves a new lawn mower. Which has quickly become Shane's new most favorite thing in the world. (It use to be the vacuum). Since he doesn't have his own sized lawn mower (yet), he had to improvise and bring out his vacuum. He watched with saucer sized eyes the whole time Kenny mowed the lawn. He narrated every move that Kenny made and continued to tell me how the lawn mower sounded. We may have a novelist on our hands?

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