Friday, April 17, 2009

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

This week I finished The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. Man, what a book! It was slow going at first. I actually started reading it in December. I just wasn't getting hooked, so I put it down until a few weeks ago I picked it back up. I finally got into it, though it was still a really long and hard read. Probably one of the hardest I can remember in a long time. It was full of twists and turns. Very mysterious and most of the events in it just caught me off guard. When I finished it, I kept walking around shaking my head in disbelief. I don't read books over, there are just to many out there to read, but I could see myself reading this one over again. I think there were a lot of little details that I didn't catch the first time.

I would recommend it, though it was a long haul. It evolves dogs, which was part of the reason I did like it.

1 comment:

  1. I read that book a while ago and felt the same way. Although I don't know if I could read it again.


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