Monday, May 18, 2009

Bye-Bye Pacifiers.

Today is the doomed day of no more pacifiers. We have been doing a lot of talking to Shane about how he is a big boy and not a baby so that means he doesn't need to sleep with a pacifier any more. We got him to the point where he has only had it in his crib to sleep with for about a month now. This morning I had him put all four pacifiers into a baggie and throw them in to the garbage. He took it pretty hard. It is currently nap time and he sits in his crib rotating between screaming, yelling and crying. Kenny asked me this morning if there was a chance I would get the pacifiers out of the garbage can. I said no. Then he asked why I had put them in a baggie. I said, just in case.

UPDATE: He fell asleep!! It took an hour, but he did it. Now we'll see how tonight goes!

Shane is signing to us that he needs them when he sleeps.

The daunting task of putting them in the bag.

Daddy do I really have to do this!?!

The final act. After this he turned around and wanted up desperately.


  1. Oh no! I do feel your pain! How about getting him a special toy since he is a big boy now. That's what we did and whenever Joey would ask for them, we said "remember you're a big boy now and you have your special toy". Good luck tonight. If he cries too much, hit the liquor cabinet. :)

  2. I hope it wasn't too rough tonight! What a brave little guy! But I do feel sorry for him as he looks so upset!

  3. I feel so sorry for him... I want to cry.. I hope everything is going well...

    Good luck!!


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